Thursday, October 20, 2011

Raindrops keep fallin' on my everything

Rain, rain, go away

Come again some other day

Rain, rain, go away

Bring my love a sunny day

Along the shores of Lake Erie, we've received so many drops that even Noah was Noawhere to be found! Last night at approximately 6:20 PM, we broke the Ohio record for annual rainfall that had been set in 1990, and...there are still 71 days remaining in 2011. So much for Seattle, eh? To celebrate(?), there was to be a parade, but all the floats got washed away!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

I harvested sunflowers today.....



Eating a smile's worth...

Monday, October 3, 2011

The Book ALWAYS Has More Detail Than The Movie

Awhile back, I wrote about my old war buddy's daughter, who should be everyone's reference for Eat, Drink, Be Merry in San Francisco. She digs deeper than the CIA...She has more detail than an IRS computer and more humor than a week of monologues on the Letterman show. And if THAT'S not enough, she tells the truth!
Since then, she has gotten published........YOWZAH!

The book has the facts, got it? GOOD! Now...GET IT!!!
The Title: the tablehopper's guide to dining and drinking in san francisco
The author-ette: Marcia (rhymes with Garcia) Gagliardi (pronounced Gahl-YAR-dee)

Sign up for her FREE weekly perspectives at:

Mangia and CIAO!!!

Seeking Information

Click on any photo for a larger view

I've done some heavy searching, but have had minimal success. I'm hoping someone can educate me on this knife. All I've discovered is that it was manufactured by Coltelleri Riunite, a Knife Cooperative. The logo can be seen at the base of the blade. Under the logo is TRIANGOLO. Measurements are as follows:

Total length: 9-1/8"

Handle length: 5-1/4"

Wood only length: 4-5/16"

Weight is 6.0 ounces

What might seem to be a lanyard at the top of the handle is actually a blade release lever. When the blade is full opened, it locks. To close the blade, you flip the lever toward the blade and push until the blade unlocks, thereby allowing it to close.

Before you know it.........

Random thoughts pass through the mind on a gray, rainy day on the shores of Lake Erie. At this time of year, gray skies can be a constant, causing depression in those who have relocated, let alone the natives.
While randomly thinking, it occurred to me that it's been quite awhile since my fingers tapped upon the keyboard to update my blog. Upon opening the page, my reaction was, "GEEEEZISS!" So very l-o-n-g. Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa!
Time, along with evolution, can pass with little notice. Friends move, your favorite teevee show gets cancelled and just when you understand your owner's manual for the car, it's time to get a new model.
Electronics probably are a-changing most frequently. I've heard that the manufacturers already know what we'll be using 5 years hence, but restrain themselves because so few of us would comprehend all the changes. (Im not one of the few)
I keep a record of all my accesses and passwords should I wake and not remember whose head dented my pillow. Thufferin thuccotash...there are 29...TWENTY-NINE!!! Who the heck has 29?!? Granted, most are infrequently used, ergo, the written record. Chances are, if you counted YOURS, you'd be MORE amazed! Own up...can you instantly recall your library password?
Now that I've somewhat cleared my conscience, I must check my emails.
Where DOES that time go?