Sunday, April 30, 2023

What We Have Become

 Some years back, I penned a critical missive titled, "The 60 minute Christians."  In part, picture those, who, on any peaceful autumn Sunday, attend their choice of worship.  Upon exiting said place of worship, while awaiting the slow egress of the parking lot, a given number of them are probably saying, "Get the hell out of my way.  You're causing me to miss the game's kick-off!"

Bret Larkin wrote a superb article in the 4-30-23 edition of the Cleveland Plain Dealer, wherein he detailed the transition of Mike DeWine from advocate to antagonist.  Minus details, consider the governor's tossing gun laws to the wind in a time of increased mass shootings, allowing the, 'to hell with you' over-stepping gerrymander, expecting us to believe methane gas is green regarding fracking at state parks, changing the constitution from a majority to 60% thus allowing more voter barriers, closed door decisions and who knows what else?  Perhaps his new mantra should be, "I've got what I want, ergo, the rest of you no longer matter."

Where has all the honesty gone?  Long time passing.  When will they ever learn?

The Peter Principle states, "In a hierarchy, every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence."
The current collection of hapless, hopeful candidates is living proof.  Pray, America!  Pray a lot!!!

Monday, April 17, 2023

Another Mundane Monday~~~

Saturday, the local temp rose to 85F.  Yesterday, we had 70 something, with spurts of heavy rain.  This morning, I awoke to 40 degrees!  Nope, not a dream.  A teacher of logic and common sense said most times, the problem is obvious.  Implementing that, I saw there was merely a leak at the bottom of the thermometer tube!  No global cooling at THIS house---Or not!

Watching kids romp at the local playground, I couldn't remember which end of the board was, "Teeter."

Speaking of octopi, have you ever seen one with an ink pen?

Has there ever been a pocket knife main blade with a thumb nail groove for left-handers?

Oxymoronics: Most flashlights don't and most Lighthouses are heavy

Whyizzit Dept:  Arriving at my market's deli and seeing baloney for sale, I always think of politicians.  Hmmm...

Living proof of electoral dyslexia...
Their motto is, "Don't just DO something---SIT there!"

Odd Infinitum: Along with snowflakes, there are no 2 raindrops alike.  I checked.....

Friday, April 14, 2023


 1976 — In the 6th inning of today’s 6-5 loss to the Chicago Cubs, Mets’ Dave Kingman hits what will become widely regarded as the longest home run ever hit in Wrigley Field, estimated at 600 feet. 

2 Hs that never get pronounced but have mega impact:
Twice a century, I actually channel surf the teevee remote!  Last evening, I almost got to channel 20 on the Spectrum account.  When channel 19 came up, it seemed unfamiliar, so, in checking the listings, it showed a program I'd rather watch while running from the local SWAT team.  What WAS being broadcast?  "Dances With Wolves."  Catching my attention, I parked tight there to the end.  Oshkosh by Gosh...what a story!  If you've NOT seen it, hop TO it!  A tale of 1 white soldier initially vs a tribe of the Sioux Nation and I'll say no more...seeing is feeling!  The 2 Hs?  Honesty and Honor.  It ran parallel to what was learned in a 2 year stint via Uncle Sam, in northern Japan.  Every politician should be taped to a chair and watch it 13 times.

Obviously, Friday, the 13th was yesterday, BUT, this being the eve of April's ide, prepare to see black kitties climbing ladders, cracked sidewalks engulfing mothers and biker gangs having a chess tournament!

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Seek and Ye Shall Find

 Matthew, in 7:7, 8-8, imparts this and other goodies in the King James Version:

Today, being 4-11, it began as a telephone operator assistance connection way back in 1930!  
It quietly was retired in 2021 for wireless users but continues for home phone land lines.

History shows much good, bad and ugly that occurred on this date.  Tap the blue site for lots of trivia with which to impress those with whom you share the same public transit car, uber, rickshaw, wikki-up and international space station!

Enjoy this day of intellect and pray for smarts to be exercised by those doing nothing to save our beloved planet~~~

Friday, April 7, 2023

Wotta Week This Has Been!!!

Heard on bobsporch, Already, a top aide to Vlad the Bad has lost a top-tier security official to the wide world of defection. Chego, ZHDAT?

Word on the ulitsa is, more defections to follow.  Those considering are said to be reelee upsetsky that they were not allowed to play, "conductor" on Vlad's new choo-choo.  Now broadcast on world media, THERE'S a non-secret, eh?
Quickly removed was bright yellow tagging on the engine, noting, "Vlad bad bitch to crew"
Other conjecture said the hopeful, new world leader asked many questions of John Madden, former NFL Coach/Commentator, who feared flying, thereby switching to a bus. Vlad spurned the bus idea, as there was not enough room to throw tantrums and way too bumpy for doing his, "Paint By Number" hobby.

Lip readers at Mar-Ago-Round in Fool-in-rida have noted D-Trembler is considering an 11% hotel discount to Vlad if he needs a place to chill.  D believes some added vernacular will turn up the 11,780 votes from the Seychelles Islands.
To placate Vlad, defectors will be assessed a 23% enhancement for doorknob usage.
Seen last night at the hotel were large crews preparing an area that will accommodate trains...Hmmm!

In another part of the soon-to-be NEW ATLANTIS, DeSantis' lips were read to what looks to be saying, "Why does Disney keep turning down my payment offers?  Maybe I gotta getta new agent!"

Washington Post columnist, Sandra G. Boodman, told a story of a young woman runner who suffered and finally received proper treatment for her aching lower legs.  Unexplained reason was why the runner dubbed her legs as, "they" and "them."
Why the pronouns and why 2 separate pronouns?  (I swear, The more I breathe, the confuseder the world becomes!)
Recently, LinkedIn added pronouns to the right side of names.  Lawsuits, no kidding, have been filed where multiple usage pronouns edicts have been refused.  Amongst others are debates to reprint all bibles to eradicate thy/thou/thee.
Where you'll see staunch refusal to change, thus a valid stance for the NRA, is telling Southern folks, "Hello, we're here to explain why you'll now be expected to stop saying, "Y'all, them's, younse and others we'll come across." 

Then there's that strange Ohio governor who said anybody could carry a gun without a permit or even going to classes.  
Dontcha know right after that, there was an immediate uptake in sad, violent mass shootings!
Now, he wants to allow fracking under one of the nicest recreational reservoirs in the state, claiming methane is green energy.  Sure seems like the only green is what shows up in his house's mail box.  He's also rumored to be involved in sneaking last-minute adds that also might beef up his personal income.  He really likes that, "In my opinion" thing.
Little bit of that old, Snidely Whiplash whisker- spinning, eh!

Find some time to pray for good things this Easter season, along with all other religions who pause to worship and lament the loss of innocent lives via terrorism.

Monday, April 3, 2023

As the Stomach Turns

 I just saw Nikki Hailey, pointing fingers in her candidacy for the presidential position.  With my head turned, she sounded similar to someone else 3 years back.  Statement deliveries beginning with, "I will tell you..."  My question is, when exactly will you tell me?!?

Elizabeth Vargas re-debuted tonight, at 6PM on, News Nation.  She stumble over a few words and I expected as much.  The Lady DID present well and I hope she seeks and reports more truth from those who have allowed dark money to overshadow the by, of and for.

On the light side:  Can you remember the last time you saw anyone with a NO. 2 pencil perched on his/her ear?
OR~~~The circus Ringleader shouting, "Ladies, Gentlemen, Children of all ages---"

On a reelee light note, someone sent me this photo dated February 30, 1874, of  Swedish lumberjacks posing with future tongue depressors from IKEA 

At the end of this week,  the Cadbury Bunny will join Santa in Belize until their next curtain calls.  Please write your congress man/lady, etc., mandating their annual appearances, forever!

Honors to those practicing their call to the month of Ramadan.  We should all consider their 3 main precepts.  Oh, wait!  Our choices of religious worship have their own commandments of sorts, boiling down to, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."  
Simple enough.  

'Nuff said.  Send a prayer and whatever else to and for those who lost so much in last week's brutal storms.

Thanks, Happy Easter and God bless...Bob