Friday, December 29, 2023

Elementary, My Dear Planet

Response to a Brunswick Post, Letter To The Editor 

 Mr. Rand Lennox's 12-29-23 letter, 'The Common Good,' wherein he emphasized all 10 Commandments fitting on a business card to the multitude of books explaining them, re-booted a memory from long ago. 

 Reflecting on math class at the long since closed, St. Hyacinth School, 'fractions' taught us the importance of determining the lowest common denominator on the way to a solution. 

 Fast forward more than a few decades. While pondering the ruination of such a beautiful planet, caused mainly by greed and the dismissal of decency and laws, I hurriedly typed, in jest, 'If I ruled the world, I'd proclaim The 10 Commandments to result in a common denominator of: Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you.' Allow your minds to dwell on each of the 10 and you'll hopefully see the commonality! 

 Fast forward a few more decades where we are today. My mind hasn't changed any, except for that 'rule the world' thought. So, do we make ours a better world or do we continue the path of greed, leading to our prolonged or instant annihilation? 

 Seems elementary to me.

Thursday, December 7, 2023

In time, history will forget

 As a prelude, 5 years ago, I divorced/did the cold turkey thing, from broadcast news. In short time, the tension of it all eased its way out of this old bod. I do read the local newspaper because it carries my need for crossword puzzles and a pretty good cornucopia of chuckle inducing comics!

I don't do social networking because the world does not need to know that Eddie, my pet tsetse fly, dances to Chubby Checker songs. Texting alone has antiquated eye contact and all emotion. I have morbidly obese fingertips that simultaneously activated six letters each time I made an attempt. My smart --s phone has audio texting but I don't like that for the same emotionless reasons.

Now, let's go forward to the past.  Long, long ago, on an island far, far away, inhabitants were awakened as others were startled when the sky darkened as Japanese aircraft pummeled the ships and bombarded the buildings and people at Pearl Harbor. Total Americans killed and wounded was 3581. From that day until WW2 ended, 407,316 military personnel gave their lives and another 671,278 were wounded. Unknown are those who suffered what was then called, "Shell Shock," new name being, "Post Traumatic Stress Disorder." Probably not charted are families having to live with loss, injured and Missing In Action.   From all that and the indescribably 'balls to the walls" attitude of our nation, Tom Brokaw wrote the book, "The Greatest Generation," which should be mandatory reading and discussing for all!

Post Eisenhower's Presidency, there was a time of growth and folks helping each other. Factories emerged, jobs were plenty, houses were affordable and all was good, for most. When the children of "The Greatest Generation" began families of their own marked a time of booming technology, higher education and increasing pay checks. From that, we evolved into entitlements, welfare, partying, drug addiction, bribery, swindles, bankruptcies, video games that show killing without remorse, politicians who promise much, while delivering little and other shortcomings.

Marketing expresses methods for the future of most everything, utilizing history, present behavior and tendencies. Beginning in the 1920s, there was an Austrian, whose name was, Adolf Schickelgruber, who wrote a book about what he perceived as world problems and how to solve them.  If you weren't aware, he changed his sur name to Hitler.  Bingo!  You know what he became, what he did and worst of all, the sheer number of murders committed during his reign.  He did that because he studied current moods and nurtured followers into thinking they too could solve problems while reaping rewards. He also assembled allies in Japan and Italy. Greed eventually led all 3 to their demise.  All the death, destruction and mental anguish for the desire of just one person!

Being that history can repeat, I implore one and all to look around, see what others are doing and thinking.  With an open mind, let it sink in and ask yourself if you truly see a similar evolution.  If you can't or won't, please take time to read, "Mein Kampf" and "The Greatest Generation."  Whether you do or not, ask that person in the mirror if he/she/they really wish to become part of the above numbers.

Neither of the 2 newspapers I read printed a single word regarding what propelled our country into what became World War 2. I spent 4 years with "Uncle Sam" and am damn proud of it! Today, I pray for and salute all those who did the same.  Very sad that I didn't see mention of Pearl Harbor. Hell, what's a mere 82 years!

Remember Bunker Hill-Remember Gettysburg-Remember The Alamo-Remember Pearl Harbor-Remember Pyong Yang-Remember Hanoi Hilton!  Will your children one day say, "Remember America?"