1. You're any color, sitting on a bridge rail or the roof a a multi-storied building, considering that "final step." From nowhere appears at least one concerned person who tries to understand your frame of mind, thereby perhaps convincing you to reconsider. Often, that person is a trained mediator, employed by the local municipality. A soft, understanding conversation is used to instill a calm state of mind into you prior to that "final step."
2. You're any color, in a structure, holding 1 or more people hostage. The local authorities have dispatched necessary personnel to the scene. Included is an experienced negotiator as mentioned in the above situation. Because a weapon is involved, step 1 is a concerted effort to calm the perpetrator via a loudspeaker from a safe distance. All efforts are used to hopefully prevent harm. If any hostage is released, that's a success, regardless of the final outcome.
3. You're a non-white, driving home from work, dinner or a date, when you see flashing lights in your rear view mirror. A quick glance proves you're not speeding, you didn't disobey the most recent traffic light and you don't drink, smoke or do drugs. As the flashing lights come closer, you hear an amplified voice ordering you to, "Pull over, shut the engine off and put your hands where I can see them!" Confused, you do as ordered. When the officer approaches, you ask if there's a problem. His response is, "Shut up and get out of the vehicle!" You are now officially confused and scared! Still confused, you begin to ask the reason for the pullover, but the voice gets more demanding. Dispatch was most likely notified because more police vehicles arrive and you're now surrounded. What happens next can be anyone's guess.
1 & 2 above prove positive results of remaining calm.
No.3 is not always possible because police departments can't afford a negotiator to be in every vehicle; officers can't always know what to expect in every encounter; officers are trained for possible circumstances based on history and new, impending probabilities. Not an easy task when instant decisions might be required!
Sadly, video games promoting damage, mayhem and killing without remorse are available everywhere and are purchased by parents for gullible youngsters, with some of those parents seeking to disband those sworn to uphold the law. Consider school shootings brought on by video games. Additionally sad are the TV programs, movie theaters and streamers showing the same mayhem, damage and killing. The public is conditioned to enjoy/demand the thrills of it all. More often, the authoritative side is depicted as violent. A "go figure" moment indeed!
These days, the hurdles are "higher," as drugs erase common sense, thereby permitting explosive adrenaline to chart a damaging course the user cannot control or distinguish.
Add to that the rising incidences of suicide bombers! Although extremists purport a necessity, how can anyone justify bombing churches, temples, mosques, etc.? Hardly any of these are predictable or preventable. If you didn't already know, none of the organized religions condone the taking of another life. Radicalism incites the insanity!
Considering all the above, I submit: If not already in place...For police academies and those already "on the job," training by negotiation veterans to address those alleged in a more calm/peaceful manner. When you think about it, most of us have seen how a harsh moment or environment does nothing but produce high fences and nobody wins.
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