Sunday, April 21, 2024

Been there-----Once

I believe I have an open mind...such that it is, according to some of my acquaintances. Based on all the reading I've done, conversations with intelligent people on both sides of the pulpit, meditation, etc., I'm convinced about re-incarnation. That's a sharing for another day, although some of you have already heard parts of my journey. 

 Today is about afterward. One of my questions is, "Do we retain our brain patterns and conscious minds?" Based on what I've absorbed and what I currently see, there's GOT to be more intelligence in a better place than what we've allowed to abuse the beauty our Gods have provided. Will it continue or will the plug merely be pulled, ending it all? 

During my 2016 prostate surgery, I spent some time in the oft told story of, "The White Room." I had zero fear, just awe and wonder. Cool was experiencing just THAT! No people, time or music. No walls, corners, floor, ceiling, ergo, NO GEOMERTY! 

 I had no body...only the eyes to see the wonder and the brain to absorb and retain it all, allowing me to share with everyone. Did they feel what I saw? I ask that only now, because, back then, it didn't matter. For today, whether you "buy" it or not is your choice. As has been said many times by others, "I know what I saw!" I'm glad I was "there" and kept its memory. 

 To me, it's proof of happy, safe and good. once we go beyond, "The White Room."

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