Friday, February 29, 2008

Sign, Sign, Ev'rywhere a Sign........

How the mind wanders, eh? You see words...and, I think:

Is this a reminder for local farmers?

Does it forecast a shortage of ladies for this year's prom?

We "March" Tomorrow!

E-mails are coming in to announce emerging tree buds...not on THIS porch yet! The frequency of snowfalls in the "Shire of Hamp" makes one wonder if tailgate parties should be held to celebrate their arrival. Talk is that we've already "enjoyed" more than 90" in the Franklin/Tilton vicinity. When the temp breaks 30 degrees, I'm going to decorate the lawn with pink flamingos absconded from Parma, Ohio! Sheeesh!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Our Warm(?) Welcome to New Hampshire

Mistakenly deleted the original 1st Post, so here it is...Stuck in the middle with you

'Twas the Shire of Hamp on 1-4-08.....Looks the same on 2-28-08

Thought was, "Shire of Hamp" sounds regal for The Granite State

What will follow is known but to The Big Guy In The Sky

ATTEMPTED will be cause for a hopeful chuckle from you...a cause to think...a reason for involvement...and a sharing of sight and words as experienced from my front porch, as it were.
Afraid of getting old and sedentary? Never mind that *#* about the fountain of youth! One simple rule will turn you into a kid. As The Lone Ranger announcer stated, "Return with us now, to the days of yesteryear." Dust off that calculator and follow these directions: a. Enter your present age. b. Subtract 32 from that. c. Multiply that times .55. Got that? NO? Okay...if you are now 60, enter that number, then subtract 32, which gives you 28. Multiply 28 times .55 and you'll see 15.4. INSTANT TEENAGER!!! You are now 15.4 years of age....albeit Celcius! Happy New Birthday!!!
"Squeamed" by teevee commercials? Many are humorous while others are thought provoking. Others...well, ya GOTTA wonder! I do get squeamish when I see ads pre-determining our lack of intelligence, where we'll drop what we're doing to, "Check with our prescriber." Yeah, RIGHT! One of my un-faves is the moaning mister who counts meatballs in the elevator. His IQ must be an IOU! Tough enough to get through one of those, but, even moreso, I question the mindset of the marketing exec who actually figured this would lead to a larger desk in that corner office!

Humor can be found anywhere and everywhere. The best comics get their material from the study of people. They, however, describe it in such fashion as to elicit laughter from we, who choose to pay many dollars for the privilege of being embarassed by them. My next, (1st), book will somewhere say, "Wake up tomorrow having the knowledge that you definitely will witness at least 1 example of stupidity!"