The marketing/advertising "specialists" are always busy trying to induce the public into buying their products. One method is called subliminal advertising. If you've been on this planet long enough, you'll recall the quick flash of a soft drink and pop corn on the drive-in movie or local bijou theater screen, causing you to waltz to the lobby, not really knowing why...just that you had to have refreshments at that moment. Those methods continue. I see specific items being subliminally presented on a constant basis, but those can be addressed at another time. Other ads truly upset me because they seem to think so little of our intelligence. One example is the blue bear family whom we now see in the bathroom, with a specific brand of toilet paper. My astonishment is not only with the designer of the ads, but I wonder what is in the minds of those who authorize payment and distribution of those commercials.
And...now, the BOMB! For nearly a week, I've been shocked at watching the GEICO Insurance Company literally inferring and condoning beastiality. You see a hairy pig with a young lady, who doesn't even seem to be 18 years old, seated in the front seat of a disabled car. Mr. hairy pig holds a phone, stating that a tow truck will be there in 30 minutes. Miss young lady(?) has a look of disappointment on her face and utters a question seemingly about not being able to "make out" instead.
This has already been copied to my local newspaper, The Cleveland Plain Dealer.
I implore you to do the same in YOUR locale.
If you want your children to be continually subjected to these kinds of ads, you may choose to delete this, then wonder years hence, "What happened?" |
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