Most of us know 'Murphy's Law,' stating, "If something can go wrong, it will!" Some of us can still recall the 'Kilroy was here' cartoon character who showed his fingers and only half of his face posed over a picket fence, concocted by the ever comedic soldiers of World War 2, perhaps even earlier.
I update those historic/hysterics into: Imagine 2 Kilroy terrestrials perched upon said fence, one being God and the other as Saint Peter. St. Pete offers, "Looks as if Bob is having a nice, happy day." Noting the comment, God responds with, "Oh YEAH? Watch THIS!"
Can you see how time can evolve most situations, other than 2 plus 2 equals 4? That is, until artificial intelligence determines a way to be more 'meaningful' way to add.
If you know anything regarding DNA, you're aware that science has determined content modification. Question is, evolution or intervention? DNA science is quite new, so, it's obvious more time is required to research its complexities.
Alright class, please turn your 'Blue Book' to chapter 51, titled, '1947 Conspiratorial Considerations,' wherein, we'll discuss the possibility of DNA manipulation in the 1950s. If research proves modification, it probably explains the non-committing, low moral, sub-par performing generation of elected officials. Further, should we somehow determine a parallel performance that led to the fall of the Roman empire, we'd certainly be awarded a Nobel Prize!
Class is dismissed for the day. Remember to verify quality and operational ease of your mental seat belts!