Friday, March 15, 2024

Current Events March 14, 2024

 Speaker John Mikeson sent a proposed bill to congress, requesting all citizens lining up to watch the eclipse on April 8, 2024, are asked to not use hair dryers, vacuum cleaners or leaf blowers during the sun's blockage.  A recent study of 7 impatient seniors at a bus shelter in Tucumcari, showed 57.1% believe wind moving appliances might interfere with natural air movement and cause dangerous wobbling of the sun, moon and earth, resulting in a kaleidoscopic appearance of the atmosphere.  Doctors at sohighsniff.unorg warn that there's currently no cure and advise all to not look any higher than their knees during the event.  This information was overheard at a truck-stop diner in Threecumcari, by someone not authorized to tell stories that might make little Johnny sad.  A phone call to Cancel Culture went directly to voice mail.

A recent notable quote from a newsmaker in  The Suns Newspaper communities:  
Parma Heights Service Director,  Robert P. Sepik on the city raising fortune-telling fees from $25 to $50 a year: "They should have seen this coming.”
If you run into Albert Einstein today at the coffee shop, don't forget to wish him a "Happy 145th!"

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