Sunday, March 2, 2008

I and Others Have Often Wondered.....

Why do we run from the rain, but not the snow?
Where would you buy furniture made from Holly Wood?
How can you tell if you're on the Teeter or the Totter end?

Was God mad at some people when he assigned laughs?
If 2 lines are parallel, is 1 line a lel?
Why can't you hear "ping" or "pong" when playing table tennis?
In sports, why isn't it called the "FAIR" line?

How many points are on a co-star?
After morning has broken, who's responsible for the repair?
How do you know when to wind up or wind down?
Is corporal punishment more severe than PFC punishment?
Does anyone play Frontgammon?

Do Australians call the rest of the world, Up Over?
Does "Killing Time" damage eternity?
Howse come Tarzan doesn't have a beard?
Why does day break and night fall?

Are substitute band leaders called semi-conductors?
Did Noah keep his bees in arc-hives?
Do Roman paramedics issue blood from a 4?
Have you ever imagined having no hypothetical situations?
If pushed for time, would a pilot be able to take a crash course?

Wouldn't you eventually get hungry on a non-stop flight?
Is it unlawful to run while carrying a Walkman?
If swimming is good exercise, why are seals fat?

Would you gain weight if you jog backwards?
When a Chinese dancer spins, does he get dis-oriented?
How do you decide between fat chance and slim chance?

How does the snowplow driver get to work?
If a cow laughed really hard, would a farmer spew out of her nose?
Wouldn't you oversleep if your alarm clock went off?
Why isn't palindrome spelled the same in reverse?

How could you forget to spell mnemonic?
Is there a penalty for listening to AM radio in the afternoon?
What do the Chinese call their expensive dinnerware?
What do you call a male ladybug?

1 comment:

Alice said...

That's a good list of things to wonder about...made a good start to the day for me.