Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sunny Sunday

If you're living in a 4 season area, DO enjoy the upcoming week of Indian Summer. Yup, the leaves completed their mission of quiet beauty and now hide your lawn. Before long, even that will be hidden by the softness of the fallen snow, as the earth begins its annual nap. You might want to dig out last year's bag of rock salt and slam dunk it several times to loosen the clump.

While you're in the garage making space for the car, please give a good thought to YOUR God for my buddy, Boomer, as he prepares to do battle with the big C. He needs to lower his white count before the chemo starts. Let's all cyber hand-hold to combine all the energy he needs for success.

As luck would have it dept: I forgot to turn back my smoke alarm and missed the okra carving contest at the A & P!!!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

What I ponder on a bleak, rainy, windy Friday

Friday, November 5, 2010 9:57 AM

On the lighter side

This week, our mower hit the unemployment line, son #1, and later this month, grandson #2 blow out another candle. As I enter the days of baseball withdrawal, I loved seeing one of the better playoffs and world series in quite some time. We'll miss you, Sparky Anderson!

On the heavier side

Will the "lawn decorating" election signs disappear as quickly as they "grew?"

Money spent by those who did NOT win would have stocked many a food bank. When I become king, there will be a 30 day campaign season, 5 ads per day, per candidate on broadcast media, 1 million dollar cap on spending and absolutely no robotic phone calls.

The amount of mud tossed was enough to fill the La Brea tar pits. Did ANY candidate say ANYthing honest? And, when will we return to, "by, of and for the people?"

Does a good teevee series HAVE to turn into neurotics unanimous? After the 1st 3 installments, most prime-times morph into agendas, issues and the inevitable bed-hopping olympics.

Action vs reaction: To those who "write" commercials for broadcast media, when I hear your "this is cool" incessant beating of drums in the background of your ads, I immediately go elsewhere. Don't you wonder about the folks who approve some of those ads? C' insurance agent in a woodpile?!?

We need check-out nazis for those who have no regard for "Less than 12 items."

Ponzi schemers and others who bilk the innocents belong at Leavenworth, not at cushy inns that should never have been built. By the way, why have no bankers been indicted?

I and many others applaud those raising money to find a cure for cancer. By no means do I demean your efforts. But, did you know...? Several weeks ago, our local newspaper listed industries with surplus cash...that's CASH. The auto world was first and the 2nd was the medical "industry" with a cash surplus of 140 BILLION DOLLARS! Is there documentation of disbursement from the likes of Susan B and others? For years, I've ranted about the increasing cost of health care. Are you oblivious to the architectural wonders they call offices? Do you see how the employees dress, what they drive and where they live? Is YOUR health plan equal to theirs?

(And my daughter wonders why I'm grumpy)

That's a lot to absorb, so I'll sign off for now, as you probably need prep time to sort out what 5 people talking at the same time are saying on The View.