Friday, March 30, 2012

Random Acts of Thought

Today's photo of Japanese Iris comes courtesy of Paula, from Louisville, Kentucky. She said I gave them to her eons ago, but I can't remember. According to Paula, they didn't bloom for several years and she considered tossing them. They must have read her mind and decided to make her happy last week. Ya see? Good things DO happen when you put your petals to the mettle!

The Big Guy in the sky was kind enough to provide a weather break for parts of the Midwest in March. There was a 10 day span of temps in the 70-some to 80-some...can you BELIEVE?!? A bit like Florida, without the cost of getting there! People were wearing shorts---and SMILING! My back yard is approximately 15 miles in a direct line south of Lake Erie and for those who've never been here, it's normally a cold, gray time of year. Flowers popped pretty! It was fun to watch the confused robins. I could just imagine their thoughts of, "I know I should be building something and filling it with something, but I don't know what or why!" Speaking of wildlife, I'm still happy with getting to see the Cadbury Bunny commercials on teevee.

Separated at birth: "Pawn Stars" Rick Harrison and Billy Joel

Who allows this?!? Did you ever read the small print at the bottom of cell phone ads on the boob tube? (How long since you heard THAT description?) "$350 penalty for early cancellation, plus other fees." Isn't that a lot like the 9000% interest on those quickie loan places? And...what about being forced into a new 2 year contract just because you upgraded your phone?

While we're still in Wuddup Widdat land, who authorized all the fees at

The face you save will be your own: I don't know where it came from, but, I see tons of drivers making turns that begin with an upside-down grip on the steering wheel, that is, a left turn beginning with the right hand palm facing upward. If you have to suddenly reverse direction, you can't! Most importantly, your arm is covering the inside part of the steering wheel...SO...if your car gets hit and the air bag opens at that high rate of speed, your forearm will smash into your face and break all those pretty, little bones. However, if you'd prefer the equivalent of being sucker-punched by a bowling ball dropped from a very high bridge, so be it. For the rest of're welcome!

Electioneering: Why must voters declare a party affiliation before getting a ballot? Isn't that a bit prejudiced? Why can't a republican vote for a democrat if he/she feels one is more qualified than the other?

If you haven't heard, "Silent Stella" Kowalski, from Chuckalock, Oklahoma, went home to her maker on 2-30-12. In honor of her life, radio station KPASA will air previously recorded segments of her Saturday morning broadcasts of, "Mime Your Own Business."

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Just Smilin'

We're experiencing a very early spring in Northeast Oh-ten
Today's temp might soar to 80
The bikers are on the roads
The joggers with dogs are on the sidewalks
Their dogs are peeing on my flowers
Crocus and Hyacinth are showing off their colors
OOOYEZ, the shorts are on the Polish kid's legs
The annual, Pre-Easter, Cadbury Rabbit commercials are on the teevee

To quote Chandler from "Friends"...Can it GET any better?

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Invest Wisely Every Now and Zen

For many a year, I've not liked carrying change in my pocket. Upon getting home, I always toss the coins into a container of some sort. THIS year, it has been a thick plastic jar, of unknown origin, albeit quite clean, thank you! It no longer makes any sense to roll coins, because, if your bank resembles mine, they open the rolls and and empty them into a coin counter. Not feeling industrious enough to drive to my institute of higher(?) earning, I posted the following on craigslist.

"5-1/2" High X 5" diameter jar, filled with late model nickels, dimes, quarters and some half-dollars. It weighs approximately 10 pounds. Of late, it has become a burden to carry the container from one location to another. Swimming/Diving lessons begin soon and I'd rather not be burdened when that gets going. I am willing to sacrifice this collection for an equal weight of early or late USA Mint paper money. Denomination is not important. Wrinkles and folds are acceptable. Although not formally schooled in gold, I'd entertain trading for the same weight in that commodity and I suppose a mix of both would also be considered. Your offers must contain 100% legal goods. Counterfeit and photo copies not eligible. Phone numbers must be submitted for consideration. Spammers must show certification papers from a local, accredited psychiatric facility with legible signature of the director.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Things you see when you're not looking

Toss aside all panic regarding the Mayan calendar. It was announced several days ago that Levin Furniture is offering a sale, with no interest payment until 2017. (The man must have connections)

What the heck is in Cialis that causes a need to sit in a bath tub, deep in the forest?

If the car company advertises what they call a "Limited Editon," why are there so many of them?

Arrogant condescension: Sherrod Brown, when asked about commercials warning against Obamacare, "Oh, that's all just background noise." And, if memory serves, after the defeat of issue 5 in Ohio, he stated, "The vote doesn't really mean anything."

An anti Rick Santorum campaign ad stated that "He never ran a company, never ran a state..."
So...Rick wants to copy what we have NOW?!?

"I Stand Firmly On" Dept: Regarding Rap, If you can't whistle to, hum along with or line dance to it......IT AIN'T MUSIC!!!

What if? In order to recoup the huge amount of money spent in sex offense payoffs, I heard that the Vatican is considering its own line of cosmetics. Initial offering will be, "Embarass," a deep red shade of the brand to be known as, "Apostlelipstick."

Andy Rooney might have asked: "Why don't we have lower case numbers?"

Daylight Savings time starts tomorrow, the 11th. Remember to change the battery in your sundial. No adjusment necessary on the kitchen timer.