Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Thoughticus Accumalotis
Mini note pages accumulate when all one does is jot and put them aside, with tons of intent on expanding all those individual thoughts. The act of admonishment shall begin when I find myself in front of a mirror, as that is where we'll discover the birth of most fault.
My notes consist of random thoughts that most of us think about and, in forgetting to write them, they are lost. Some are what I would have enjoyed if Andy Rooney had explored and expanded on them. The others? YOU decide..................................
Without further ado, or is it further I didn't?
Separated at birth #1: On-field baseball commentator Ken Rosenthal and Pee Wee Herman
#2: Bosox pitcher Alfredo Aceves and Actor Tommy Lee Jones
#3: Bosox pitcher John Lester and any EWOK
#4: Dave Letterman and sports talk show host Bruce Drennan
Achieve happiness by giving---neither expecting nor demanding same
You never know---until you find out
Baseball is the only sport wherein umpires have the ability to walk on water. Their 1st commandment being, "Thou shalt NOT question me." I wonder how they can position themselves between the batter and the catcher and successfully see the outside edge of home plate. Have you noticed that they often are on the opposite side of the runner when a steal is attempted and are able to "see" if a tag is made or not? Hmmm
TeeVee commercials are introducing new, improved drugs, telling us to take it if "such and such" drug isn't working. I wonder if they have new, improved side effects. I also "like" the new vitamins for kids who won't eat real food. Does mommy give dressed up princess just the vitamin? My children had supplemental vitamins...not replacements!
Great read for summer...or any other time: Wayne Dyer's, "Gifts from Eykis"
If a clock used hay bales instead of numerals, would you call it "Hour Fodder?"
Chugging Vernor's Ginger Ale is not an easy task
C'mon...can Shaq O'Neal really drive that Buick???
When someone says, "Have good one"...are we expected to know what it means???
Will the marketing geniasses ever realize that the incessant drumming during commercials and other announcements is about as captivating as a bucket of spit
Speaking of spit, I lie awake wondering how much is generated during a baseball game
The longer you're in solitary confinement, the less likely you'll run into someone you know
And, as Carmen says.................CIAO!
Commom Sense,
Drink. Food,
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